We don't know his name, but we do know the little boy among the crowd that had gathered to hear Jesus teach. He had brought a small lunch of five buns and two sardine-like fish. And he must have overheard Jesus, who knew exactly what was going to happen, asking His disciples, "Where will we buy food for these people" Philip quickly answered that it would take more than half a year'r wages to buy everyone lunch!

I can just imagine the scene. Tugging on Andrew's sleeve, the young boy says, I have some food, and holds out his small lunch. Andrew takes the lunch to Jesus, acknowledging that it certainly won't go far. Yet Jesus receives the small offering and tells His disciples to have the crowd sit on the hillside. Then He blesses the little lunch, breaks it up, and gives it to His disciples to hand out.

Can you imagine the little boy's delight as his lunch is passed around, yet it never runs out! That day, 5,000 people were fed - and there were 12 baskets of leftovers!

I love this story because of the little boy's innocent, naive, generous offering to Jesus. It would have made more sense for him to find a shady spot and share his lunch with a friend. Yet when he overheard the need for food, he offered what he had, small as it was. And an incredible miracle took place!

What is in your hand today? A talent that has been dormant too long? Some resources that you could share? Some time to give? All around us there are needs of many kinds. We look at what we have to offer and it simply isn't enough. It seems naive to even offer our small token toward filling the need. Yet when we place what we have in the hands of Jesus, He blesses it and uses it to meet those needs. He truly performs miracles when we generously offer Him what is in our hands to give.

Lord God, please help me not to shrink back and keep what I have to myself. Help me to have the courage to place my time, talents, and resources in Your hands and watch what miracle You will do with my small offering. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Throughout The Day: Is there a need that tugs at your heart, yet you feel what you have to offer is too small to mention? Ask the Lord to help you bring it forward, even when it seems to make little sense. He may just be waiting to do a miracle through you!

Tags: offering John 6