In 2019, my family and I moved to another state where I started a new job. Within a short time, I became concerned with how employees were treated. Words could be harsh, blame quickly assigned and an atmosphere of mistrust hung heavy in the air. While it felt uncomfortable at times, I didn’t fully recognize the nature of the environment until I was encouraged to apply for a position with another company.

Now a job interview tends to be focused and fact-oriented. And while that was true, my first interview exposed a longing that had developed in a challenging work environment. I couldn’t pinpoint it, but the interview felt like a breath of fresh air. After a couple of meetings, I was asked to join the team. I couldn’t say “yes” fast enough.

It wasn’t the smoothest of transitions. I made mistakes and misunderstandings had superiors feeling frustrated with me. This is not something I’m used to experiencing. While it was challenging to listen to their words, I knew they were right and I somehow felt encouraged, rather than discouraged. In these moments I began to understand why the interview felt like such a breath of fresh air. The actions of my superiors have told me that they trust me, they respect me and my family and they treat me with dignity - in short, they have genuinely loved me. And that kind of love revives the spirit and strengthens the heart.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the people you have put in my life who have revived my spirit by both their words and actions. Please show me how I can encourage the people I see each day.

Throughout This Day: Ask God to show you (at least) one person today who you could encourage or lift up by your words or actions. Perhaps it will be through a conversation, a handwritten note or a simple act of kindness to show them they are noticed and valued. As he gives strength and courage, be sure to follow through, thanking God for the opportunity to partner with him.

Tags: Daily Devotional Isaiah 57
Photo Credit: The Jopwell Collection on Unsplash