I was on my way to another funeral today. I saw death standing closer, almost around the corner. A good friend died unexpectedly. He was my age. He died in faith and I thought about my own funeral and whether my faith would be found true to the end.

We are sinners and we all have doubts along the way. We also know some who were once among us who no longer walk with the Lord. More importantly, God tells us to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith. So, let’s go back to the beginning.

Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. He was the creator and originator and he is the perfecter and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).

The faith that we have today and the faith that will be with us at the end is a gift from God. It is not from ourselves. It didn’t begin with us, nor will the end of our faith depend on us (Ephesians 2:8).

Additionally, this salvation came to us according to God’s purpose and grace in Christ - before time began (2 Timothy 1:9).

Grace always precedes faith. Always.

His grace opened our eyes to see our hopelessness and to see our Redeemer. Grace gave us ears to hear the Shepherd’s voice and the faith to follow him.

Christian friend, you have heard his voice. He turned you from the darkness to the light. You are forgiven and will inherit the kingdom. His Spirit testifies these truths to your spirit. By grace, your faith was given to you. It is not from yourself and will not be taken away.

Father, thank you for giving us to your Son. Jesus, thank you for revealing your Father to us. Spirit, thank you for coming to live in us as a deposit, to guarantee that we will make it to the end!

Throughout This Day: Thank God often that all is of grace, from beginning to end, and that his Spirit enables you to persevere in your faith and in your obedience.

Tags: Daily Devotional John 17
Photo Credit: Yoal Desurmont on Unsplash