When a little kid gets a present for Christmas, they’re initially so excited. They want to play with the toy every day and, depending on its size, want to carry it around with them wherever they go. As the weeks pass, it begins to lose its novelty and suddenly, the thing they couldn’t stop playing with or carrying with them begins to collect dust.

All too often, we treat our time with Jesus the same way. After becoming a Christian, we’re so excited to learn about God and study the Bible, but as the years pass, it becomes less and less a thrill and more of a chore. The “toy” loses its shine and we start to slack off in areas of our spiritual health, our God seeming further and further away.

Maybe this is you. I went through this a while back, and a loving friend of mine gave me the advice to “ask God to convict you”. She asked, “What are some things in your life that are keeping you far from God? Ask him to reveal them to you.”

So, I prayed and, boy, did he deliver! What was precious to me, was that in the process of conviction, I found the spark in my relationship with him I previously lacked. While we may feel far from God, and perhaps hidden sin in our life is a part of that, know that he is never far from you and is always ready to show up in your life when you need him most. You just have to ask.

Heavenly Father, indeed you are close to the brokenhearted. Thank you that even when we begin to drift away from you, or even to take you for granted, you are always right there waiting for us to reconnect with you. Please make me sensitive to your voice, and guard my heart against drifting away from you. Thank you for your faithful love!

Throughout this Day: Make some time to be quiet with God and ask him to reveal anything that may be keeping you from wholehearted fellowship with him.

Tags: Emmanuel Psalm 34 nearness
Photo Credit: Char' Berry on Unsplash