The internet has brought the world together like never before.

"There's almost no limit to what you can do online. The Internet makes it possible to access information quickly, communicate around the world, and much more. Unfortunately, the Internet is also home to certain risks, such as malware, spam, and phishing. If you want to stay safe online, you'll need to understand these risks and learn how to avoid them." - GCF Global1

When I read statements like that, I cannot help but think about Genesis 11 and the tower of Babel story. The chapter begins with a description of humanity that enjoyed the benefits of a common language and shared values. Doesn’t that sound like a time and place that everyone would enjoy? Think about how much easier life would be.

Our modern world is so similar. As a teacher, I’ve had my high school students connect with my former students throughout the world, from New York City and Brussels to Ghana in Africa. What an unbelievable opportunity to hear about amazing ventures worldwide. Technological developments have made that easily possible. Students today are "digital natives" who seamlessly incorporate technology into their everyday lives.

Sadly, this same technology is also used for evil. These same students are constantly reminded of the dangers of revealing their personal information online, of the problem of online harassment, of the need to guard their speech, and of access to too much information.

As Christians, none of this should surprise us. Sinful human beings will always find ways to misuse developments meant for good. Our responsibility as Christ followers is to constantly evaluate what we choose to participate in or consume. The most important time for that reflection may be when something new emerges that promises to change our life immensely.

Heavenly Father, I recognize that you are never surprised by the existence of evil. Help me to guard against the trap of convenience that may blind me to the dangers lurking just around the corner.

Throughout this Day: Pay attention to the number of times a friend or coworker talks about the latest life changing development that you simply must try. Before jumping in and trying it, weigh the potential downsides of whatever it is you are considering.

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Tags: Good and Evil Genesis 11 Wisdom
Photo Credit: Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash