I remember being around eight or nine when I was with my dad at a store and he had walked off a bit to grab something while I stared at a granola display. When I turned around, he wasn’t in my line of sight. Panic spread in my heart and I spun around frantically searching for him. Luckily, he was just hidden behind another shopper and I was never really “lost”; but the moments of panic that I felt thinking I was lost — not fun.

Jesus’s story in Luke 15 portrays two sons who were lost when it came to the true purpose of their lives. The younger took off with his share of his father’s wealth and lost it all. But he came to his senses and threw himself at his father’s feet, begging for forgiveness. The older brother also became lost by taking the arrogant road. He found pride in his own behavior and refused to acknowledge his brother’s return.

In the thick of life, it’s easy to feel like you’ve lost sight of the Father. When left unattended, seeds of bitterness, anger, frustration, fear, and confusion grow. As you drift farther out into your “lostness”, the distance grows greater.

Whatever kind of loss you are feeling right now, know that Jesus, like the Good Shepherd seeking a lost lamb, wants to find you. He is chasing you with a love that calls you gently back to him.

Will you answer the call and return to Daddy?

Father, forgive me when I think I have lost sight of you. You are always there, even when I cannot see you. Keep me from getting lost in my own pride or desire to live life my way. Gently call me to return to your side. Amen.

Go Deeper — Have you ever felt lost? How did it make you feel? How different did you feel when you were “found”? Talk with God about that.

Tags: The Gospel of Luke Luke 15
Photo Credit: JL Magata