"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2 ESV

This is the time for new directions. Many high school students and college students will be graduating soon, and with graduation comes lots of advice from family and friends.  Many people will be considering what to do in life and what path to take.  The most common advice that will be heard is “Follow your heart,” “Do what makes you happy.” But is this good and sound advice?

Romans tells us that we can know God’s will for our lives when we transform ourselves into the likeness of Christ. When we tune out the advice from the world that has no Biblical basis, we find ourselves ready and in tune to hear God’s voice. A lot of times though, God calls us to do hard things, even things we don’t wish to do, the direct opposite of the world’s advice. The world bombards us with living for ourselves and doing anything and everything we please. But God wants us to test our will to see if it is not only good, but perfect. For example, becoming a pilot is a good thing; it is not sinful or wrong to take up that profession, but is that God’s perfect will for your life? This is how God wants us to view His will for us, knowing that although we may have certain desires, God may have a different and better route for us. It is important that we discern when our desires align with God's will, and when they get in the way.

Have you struggled to do God’s will? Are you fighting it? Relinquish your will for His and you will find yourself at peace.

Dear Lord, please enable us to relinquish our will, desires, and passions for those that please You. May Your desires become our desires. Give us peace to know Your will and walk in it. Amen.

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Explore more about knowing and walking in God’s will on the author's blog.