The truth is liberating, setting one free from a life of guilt and sin. Jesus is the only one who can liberate and redeem.

In Levitical times, there were a lot of animal sacrifices to atone for the sins of individuals and of the nation in its entirety.

When Jesus was revealed, he accomplished the restorative will of the Father. Jesus offered himself as the perfect offering to atone for the sins of mankind. The death he died, he died to sin once for all (Rom 8:10). This means no further human interventions or sacrifices are needed to make one perfect before God.

When I read this portion of Scripture, truly my heart leaps with joy.

At the cross of Jesus,
mercy reigned;

forgiveness flowed;
light shone;
and men were given access to the Holy of holies.

I thank God for his redemptive plan. From eternity, he had us in mind. He desires that we embrace the finished work of Christ so that we can live a life of victory in him.

**How then should we respond? **

Let’s desist trying to make ourselves right before God through man-made efforts. Rather, let’s embrace the finished work of the cross. Jesus paid the price. Why desire to add to it through traditions that don’t offer any freedom? Today, let’s free ourselves from a guilt-ridden life by recognizing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. This very act will ensure that we too enjoy this benefit that was secured for eternity — our redemption.

_Thank you Lord Jesus for being the atonement sacrifice for me. I accept the finished work at the cross and surrender my life and will to yours. Amen _

Throughout This Day: Ask yourself is you have decided to follow Jesus. If not, why not do it now? Our mentors are available to guide you through this life-changing decision.

Tags: Daily Devotional Hebrews 9
Photo Credit: Nsey Benajah on Unsplash