I recently rewatched an episode of an old show about an extremely obsessive detective. In this episode, the detective, as usual, makes his weakness his strength by focusing on tiny details. He figures out that a circus acrobat committed the murder and then broke her foot on purpose to try and give herself an alibi. How did the detective know that the acrobat didn’t break it in a previous fall as she said she did? By watching and listening. By observing, he was able to figure out that she knew how to fall. The broken foot was not an accident at all.

Knowing how to fall: I haven’t quite mastered that skill yet. Earlier today, I descended a step wrong and landed on the ground. I wasn’t hurt, but it shook me up a little bit.

I think of falling in the Christian life. We all have weaknesses, little things that can pull us down. The longer I live, the more convinced I am that putting distance between ourselves and Jesus is often something that happens gradually, one choice at a time. One of my weaknesses is entertainment. I’m usually very careful, but once in a while, I get caught up in a story. No matter how many times I may tell myself that watching a certain show is no big deal, it can put thoughts into my mind and desensitize me to evil. I need to let go, need to fall on Jesus, who is able to break my fall and lift me up again.

I’m thankful, though, that I’m not expected to constantly be perfect, not on my own. I’m on a journey with Jesus, and I’m learning what it means to fall right. It means leaning onto Jesus when I feel weak, because he’s holding me up.

Dear Father, thank you for holding me up when I start to fall. Help me keep my eyes on you, and focus on what you are doing, rather than on distractions.

Throughout this Day: Consider this question: What would it look like for you today, to know how to fall?

Additional resource: How Much Sin Will God Forgive?

Tags: Daily Devotional Jude 1
Photo Credit: Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash