How do you react to criticism? We can embrace it or disregard it. We can apply it or give it.

What part should criticism play in life?

Scripture tells us that “wounds from a friend can be trusted” (Proverbs 27:6). We don’t easily see our own faults, and at times we need a perspective that cuts through our well-supplied defense mechanisms. Nothing seems to do that more effectively than when we encounter love-laced confrontation and become part of God’s “sharpening” process.

Healthy acceptance of criticism comes with limitations. We must never let criticism define us. All too often, when we sense someone is looking at us critically, we tend to act differently. We become self-conscious, stifled in the fear of not measuring up. We anticipate rejection, so we put up our walls, which in turn reinforces the rejection… and the cycle continues.

This gives far too much power to our criticizers. We are not defined by our faults, but by redemption.

For some, criticism might be harder to give than receive. Our effectiveness as fellow “iron sharpeners” increases when we remember our own imperfections. When we give criticism with sincerity, the likelihood of our message being received increases tenfold.

Don’t dismiss the importance of loving confrontation. Life in a fallen world makes it essential. But one thing is certain about criticism. The need for it will come to an end. Someday my weaknesses — and yours — will no longer plague us. Our “sharpening” will have been completed. And we “will awake with his likeness” in Heaven (Psalm 17:15).

Thank you, Father, for giving us brothers and sisters who love us enough to confront our weaknesses. Please use each of us to help one another grow up into your likeness. Amen.

Today's Challenge: The next time someone criticizes you, do not become immediately defensive. Consider what is said, and then quietly ask God to show you what to do.

Tags: Relationships Proverbs 27