“It’s the only time Scripture records Jesus saying, ‘I want.’” A chill splashed my heart when I heard the retreat leader say that. Sure, praying in the Garden Jesus had also asked if God might consider another way to save the world other than the crucifixion (Luke 22:42), but He never said He wanted to not do it. The only recorded request Jesus ever made was that those who followed Him could be with Him and see His glory. That meant be with Him eternally in Heaven.

Then the leader pierced my heart again when she pointed to us seated around the room. “He prayed this not just for the 12 but for you, too. You are His followers, given to Him by God.” As her message soaked in, I had to wipe away a few tears. For the first time, I had an inkling of how much Jesus loves me.

How many times have I said, “I want” to God, and how many times was it selfishly for me? There may have been times it was for someone else, but to be honest up to that point most of my prayers were more like a wish list a kid might hand to his or her parents.

The one thing God wants most is to be with you. He created you to be in communion with Him. His love was so great He came to earth and sacrificed Himself so it could happen. How will you respond to His “I want”?

Father, thank you for sending your son, Jesus, to die for my sins and restore my fellowship with You. Thank you beyond words that this is Your heart’s desire. It humbles me. Forgive me if I say I ever want something more than wanting you. Amen.

Throughout this day ― What do you truly want? Be honest with yourself and with God. Talk it over with Him today.

Tags: The Gospel of John John 17
Photo Credit: Jesse Belleque