I was so nervous that, at the last minute, I jumped up and ran to the washroom!

I was supposed to speak to a class of 200 university students. My topic was Ecology and Christianity: Enemies or Allies? A few months earlier, I had finished the last class in my biology degree, which was Ecology, taught by a professor who blamed most of our ecological problems on Christianity. He and I had many challenging exchanges during the course, and I stayed up most of the night preparing to give a Christian perspective. In my mind, I was thinking, “I can’t do this.”

Moses seemed to be in a similar situation. He was being asked to speak to Pharaoh and give him God’s perspective that he should let the children of Israel out of slavery. He did not just think he couldn’t fulfill the request, he told God! This was the fifth objection to his role in God’s plan as revealed to Moses at the burning bush! God patiently answered each objection. After this last refusal, the text says, “God’s anger burned against Moses.” Yet, in his providence, God proposed a plan B. Moses’ brother, Aaron, would be enlisted as his spokesperson.

What an amazing example of God’s grace. God clearly wanted Moses to step into a special role in his plan but seemed willing to work with his reluctance and provided resources to move Moses from his “I Can’t” position. Moses left his exile in the desert and returned to Egypt to deliver God’s message to Pharaoh.

As I returned from my exile in the washroom my “I Can’t” was changed by the reassurance that God’s Spirit would speak and give me the resources needed.

Question of the Day: Are you saying “I Can’t” in any area of life? Have you talked to God and factored in his resources for your situation? Maybe it is true that you can’t but God can graciously provide the resources you need.

Father God, you have indeed created me. You are without limits. I need your resources today and everyday as I face what seem to be “I Can’t” situations. By faith, I’m going to thank you in advance for providing what I need to move from “I Can’t”. Amen

Tags: God's plan Moses Exodus 4
Photo Credit: Chairs Gegelman on Unsplash