Don’t you love an “I Can” attitude! I do and I enjoy having people on my team that respond to opportunities or situations with the positive spirit of “I can do it.” Or “We can get it done!”

In this passage Moses saw an injustice and acted. We see later that Moses was called into service to be God’s instrument of liberation for the children of Israel. Had the seed of his future role been planted in his heart as he reacted boldly in freeing a fellow Hebrew from a beating?

As Moses’ actions became known, instead of being seen as a hero, he was scorned by the very people he was attempting to help. Pharaoh also attempted to kill Moses when he learned of the death of an Egyptian by Moses’ hand. Fleeing to Midian resulted in the loss of all rank and privilege that Moses had enjoyed thus far in his life, and it soured him on life, as we will later see when God calls him to act once again.

When an “I Can” attitude springs from arrogance with an unhealthy brashness from self-reliance, problems often follow. It is true that God had a plan to deliver his people and Moses would play a primary role in the execution of that plan, but it was God’s plan and God’s timing that Moses did not understand yet.

A principle that is repeated throughout the Bible is that “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” (James 4:6) Pride often expresses itself through a “I know best” perspective. There is also little consultation or consideration of the views of others. Humility, on the other hand, leads to seeking the counsel of others because an underlying attitude of humility is that “I don’t have all the answers”. This perspective leads to drawing on the wisdom and resources of others, as well as waiting on God for instructions along the way.

Question for today: In the continuum of pride (10) to humility (1), where would you place yourself?

Father God, please teach me to wait for your instructions before acting, and remind me that I don’t have all of the answers to life’s challenges, but you do! Teach me to listen to your Spirit’s promptings as I prayerfully submit all of my concerns to you today.

Tags: pride Exodus 2 humility Moses James 4
Photo Credit: Mars Williams on Unsplash