How could you know the power of Jesus unless you felt powerless?

Think about it. If you had all the strength you ever needed at all times, if you could surpass every challenge with great ease, if you could heal your own sickness and hurts, why would you need a savior?

There are some clichés out there about God and his power that I really don’t like.

For example: “God only gives his hardest battles to his strongest warriors.” “God never gives you more than you can handle.”

We don’t see any of that in the Bible. Instead we see that “[God’s] power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9) and that when we’re tempted to sin, “God is faithful… to provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13).

When I think of someone I care about facing pain or discomfort, my instinct is to save them from it, to ease their pain. But what position does that put me in? With great intentions, I want to serve and help. But, in saving them myself, am I showcasing the power of Jesus or the power of me?

It is through challenging and distressing moments that God’s love, strength and empowerment shine through.

Are you trusting your own strength? Do you believe that you’ll overcome only if you muster up enough stamina and wisdom from within?

Holy Spirit dependence looks nothing like self-reliance. It’s humble. It’s desperate. But, most of all, it’s freeing.

Imagine looking into the eyes of God. He looks on you with deep compassion. His love washes over you and you feel every tense part of your body relax. You can rest now, my child, he says. I am here and I am exactly who you need to get through what is ahead.

What a privilege it is to be on the mind of God. What a joy to be given the choice of a life of abundance over a life of fear, striving, and want.

The Lord is our Shepherd. We have everything we need. (Psalm 23:1 NLT)

Good and gracious King, lover of my soul, what a privilege it is to be known by you. What a privilege it is that you would want to heal me, that you would want to dwell within me. I long for you and your power to live through me today. You know the challenges I face. The impossibility does not faze you. So I trust you today, and praise you for who you are. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Additional Resource: Shepherd by CityAlight

Tags: surrender 2 Corinthians 12 trust God
Photo Credit: Oliver Hihn on Unsplash