Do you like secrets? Do you remember sharing secrets with your best friends as children? Or maybe you’ve felt honored when a friend told you something about themselves that you realized they wouldn’t share with just anyone – it demonstrated the relationship of love and trust you had.

In 1 Corinthians 2:7-8 Paul speaks about revealing a truth that God had kept hidden for long ages. It has to do with God’s eternal plan of salvation through Jesus. When he was being crucified, even his disciples didn’t really understand fully what was about to happen.

The crowd cried out for Jesus’ death, “Crucify Him, crucify Him.” They had no idea that they were fulfilling Scriptures. Jesus had to die in order to provide forgiveness of sins, and a way to spend eternity with Him. He took our place, bearing God’s wrath that was our rightful due.

God’s wisdom is far over and above anything that man can even bring into their thoughts. I love the verse in Proverbs 9:10. It says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.” When each one of us accepts his free gift of eternal life, when we begin to know the Holy One personally, we have access to his heart.

Our creator God created everything through his wisdom. He divinely orchestrates every aspect of everyone’s life through it. And he imparts his wisdom to us through our intimate communion with him. He reveals hidden truths from his word, opens the eyes of our understanding, and empowers us to live a life that exemplifies him.

Father God, thank you for making a way for us to have a relationship with you. Thank you that from the moment I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior and Lord, you began to reveal your heart and wisdom to me. I am grateful that this relationship will never end because eternity is forever. Please give me a heart that fears you and seeks your wisdom in all situations. Thank you for your amazing love and grace. Amen.

Song of Reflection: Knowing You by Graham Kendrick

Tags: The Life Devo 1 Corinthians 2