Nestled into the corner of the children’s section at our local library sits an elegant electric train set. The track is beautifully laid in a hand-crafted setting with the train weaving around an early 20th century Colorado town and through tunnels cut in a forested mountain scene. The press of a button from the small fingers of a child sends the train into motion, captivating both young and old.

It must be nearly a dozen times now that I’ve visited the library and watched this train in action. But today I noticed something I had not seen before.

On the side of the plexiglass casing was a note that read, “can you find the 8 dinosaurs hidden in the train set?” The excitement of my kids and I rose as we began to look feverishly for the dinosaurs. “One in the tunnel!” Then, “Look! In the valley behind a bush.” And, “Ha! A pterodactyl in a tree!” That which we had become accustomed to took on new life as we scoured the scene.

I know in my life I have become accustomed to the same roads and routines of life. Yet, hidden in plain sight, is the everyday handiwork of a God working to redeem his world and his people.

I suspect that the challenge is not in the finding but in the looking. Once we knew what to look for, we began seeing dinosaurs throughout the train set. As we begin looking for the fingerprints of God, I wonder what dinosaurs we’ll find.

Heavenly Father, you indeed are working around us constantly. Please quicken our hearts by the power of your Spirit to see you at work in every detail of our lives.

Throughout this Day: Go to a place familiar to you. Take some time to look for things you have not noticed before. Allow yourself time to reflect on your new findings.

Tags: eternal perspective Psalm 27
Photo Credit: Jamie Taylor on Unsplash