Think of Abraham and Isaac walking slowly towards the altar.

They didn’t see a lamb anywhere. What were they going to use for the burnt offering, Isaac wondered? Perhaps Abraham began to wonder, too. But his statement was bold. He told Isaac confidently, “God will provide for himself the lamb” (Genesis 22:8).

Abraham was so confident in God that he was ready to sacrifice his own son. And then, at the last moment, Abraham saw a lamb caught in the bushes. God provided a lamb for the offering, just as Abraham trusted that he would.

When God asks us to step out in faith — whether that looks like leaving everything that’s familiar to become a missionary overseas, or whether that means forgiving someone who has hurt us — it can be scary. Sometimes, we resist. We don’t want to obey. Abraham doubted God many times. After a hundred years, he finally determined to trust and obey God no matter the cost … and God honored Abraham’s obedience. Abraham left a legacy as a man of great faith.

This story from Abraham’s life is a great example of radical obedience. And Abraham’s story shows us something very important. When we obey God, he honors our obedience by providing for us.

He will provide everything you need. Obey him and trust that he will take care of you. The center of God’s will is the safest place to be.

Lord, give me the courage to trust that you will provide for me. Help me be obedient. Amen.

Throughout this Day: Think about what God is calling you to do today. Trust that he will provide for you, even if the prospect is scary — and then obey him.

Tags: Obedience Genesis 22 Trust & Obey