While we lived in Newport, Rhode Island, I took sailing lessons on a small J/22 sailboat. As I navigated the sailboat, I looked across Narragansett Bay and watched huge yachts glide by, and I was reminded of my insignificance. I was just a little speck in the middle of a large and mysterious ocean.

Where do we find significance in the big sea of life? And what is a significant life lesson we can pass on to those coming after us? I realize the answer is very simple: the only place to find our true significance is in how our Lord loves and values each of us. We are all known intimately by God the creator, and he is always setting his affections on us.

In today’s scripture, the words of John the Baptist “He must increase, I must decrease.” confirm the sovereign work of God in people coming to Christ. He desires to exalt Christ and not himself. When we study these words and pray for them to mark our lives, there can sometimes be a struggle, because we ourselves would like to increase. Jesus warned his disciples (including us) that we would need to be willing to give up earthly comforts when he states in Luke 9:23, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” But he also reassures us, in the following verses, that giving up even our very lives will be worth it. “For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.” (Luke 9:25)

We want to live so that people consider Jesus, and his glory will be made known. We want less and less attention on ourselves and more and more on the name, Jesus Christ. In this, our hearts will be purified and we will be used as his instruments to promote his will and his purposes alone. Jesus is the only name to remember; let our lives point only to him.

Jesus, I pray that you would increase in my life and that I would decrease so that you alone would be glorified. Help me to deny myself and to take up my cross daily and follow you wholeheartedly. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Throughout this day listen to Casting Crowns, [](“Only Jesus”).

Tags: John 3 Luke 9 Christian perspective
Photo Credit: Big Potato on Unsplash