The Old Testament story of Abraham is interesting from so many angles. From a purely literary perspective, it is a story full of intrigue, plot twists, and even humor.

We first read of Abram, as he was then named, in Genesis 12 when God asks him to leave his birthplace and move with his wife Sarai to the land of Canaan. At that time, God promised to make their children and future generations into a “great nation.” There was only one problem: Abram and Sarai were unable to have children.

The humorous element enters in Genesis 17 when God tells the still childless Abram, whose name ironically means “exalted father,” that he is changing his name to Abraham, which means “father of many.” In addition, Sarai’s name is changed to Sarah, meaning “mother of nations.” You can just imagine the snickering going on behind the couple’s back after telling their friends of the name changes.

Several times God restated his promise, particularly when Abram attempted to solve the infertility issue through human means. Eventually, God did grant them a son, Isaac, in their old age. Isaac bore Jacob, who then bore 12 sons, who populated the tribes of Israel.

All kidding aside, the point of Abraham’s story is one for all of us. How do we handle the disappointment of unmet expectations or dreams? Do we doubt God’s faithfulness and try to accomplish things through our own means? Or do we continue to trust him through the dark times, even reaching the point of marveling at his dependability?

Heavenly Father, help me to trust you during the dark times when you seem distant. Amen.

Throughout this Day: Look back at your life and identify times when God met your needs or dreams in ways you hadn’t even imagined. Write them down and spend some time worshiping the Lord for what he has done.

Tags: Hope Genesis 17 trust God Abraham
Photo Credit: Sven Mieke on Unsplash