“Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds…that we may live in his presence.” Hosea 6:1-2b

Whenever I turn on the news, open my laptop, or tune in on the radio, I am bombarded with news of world tragedy. True, some of it has been sensationally spun, but many times unfortunately, the stories are factual. Natural disasters sweep the globe and many children die from hunger or violence. Sometimes, even longtime Christians may wonder, “Is God’s plan or is this God’s fault?”

However you choose to talk about pain, I pray that you seek the Lord’s guidance. Since we know the end of the story, we can share the wonderful news of God’s ultimate victory with others. We can apply today’s verse in situations where, in our limited minds, it seems as though God has allowed someone to be hurt. We must always let others know that we don’t yet have the full mind of God, so we cannot fully answer or judge as to why things happen.

We need to trust that He does have the whole story completely in His hands. We cannot allow our minds to get swept away by the tragedies we hear about or even our own personal tragedies. After all, Jesus said that in this world we are to expect troubles (John 16:33) but has reminded us that He has overcome the world! Thank God we are His and have the hope of full restoration!

Dear Lord,

Thank You for Your wonderful protection over my entire life. I know that I am safe in You and I have a wonderful hope of Heaven even when I’m struggling. Thank You for the many days I’ve had where life is going well. I ask for many more of those, and pray for healing and peace in the lives of my loved one, friends, family who are in pain now. Be with those around the world who are suffering. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Take Action:

If someone you love is in pain this week, remind yourself or your loved one of the “Romans 8:28” experiences in your life, where you have seen God turn a terrible experience around for the good of His children. When we experience loss, even from our own failings, God is merciful. If and when your loved one is ready to talk about their pain, be a gentle reminder of this same truth. If you are the one in pain, take some time to remember God’s faithfulness in times past! He will also carry you through this!


Tags: worry