The word unconditional means that it is absolute and not subject to change in any way. Not one sinner is exempt from God’s love. God’s unconditional love made a way for every one without exception.

Why did Jesus die on a cross? God cannot just overlook our sins, our wrong attitudes, words and deeds and still be perfectly holy and just. All sin deserves punishment. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for our sins, because he was incapable of sinning. Therefore all your sins and mine were laid on Jesus. He took our place. He died to set us free from the bondage to sin.

I like to look back to the account of Saul of Tarsus in Acts chapter 9. He was a murderer. He did everything he could to imprison those who believed in Jesus. He wanted to make sure that they were put to death.

He was on his way to Damascus to capture more followers of Jesus, when God stopped him in his tracks. He was saved and so radically changed, that folks did not believe he was the same man. He who once persecuted believers, wrote many of the New Testaments books.

He fully understood God’s unconditional love. It cannot be earned or worked for in any way. It is a gift that cost Jesus his life. Have you received it for yourself?

Oh Father, your love cannot be fathomed with our finite minds. There is nothing to compare it to. It is unconditional, unchangeable, steadfast, and abundant. Thank you Lord Jesus for dying for us, and for redeeming us with your shed blood. Oh that we might be instruments of righteousness to effectively share your love with others. Amen

Throughout this day: Take time today to reflect on the words of the hymn, “How Great Thou Art.” You can listen to it here
