Sometimes the voice of the Lord seems almost audible. We pick up the Bible and it’s as if certain words are italicized. We hear a preacher and conclude God must have told him our secrets. The message comes across clear, direct, unmistakable.

Other times, in order to hear the Lord speak, it’s necessary to lean in, to come closer. Because He is whispering.

You’re probably familiar with the story in 1 Kings where God communicates with Elijah. The prophet had anticipated God would speak in shock-and-awe ― in the howling wind, the earthquake, or the fire. But He didn’t. Instead God spoke in a still small voice. A whisper. Maybe Elijah had to silence his expectations of how God would speak before he was ready to listen?

Hmmmmm... could our expectations be causing us to miss His whispers?

Predetermined expectations as to how God wants to speak can cause us to miss His voice. But it’s also hard to catch whispers in noisy environments. We get distracted by the loud and the blaring. The voice from our endless to-do list shouts we don’t have time for quiet. The worries of life scream for our attention. Before long we develop a habit of not listening.

Let’s not let any of these factors cause us to miss the whispers of God. Let’s be alert, always listening for His voice, wherever we are, whatever we’re doing. Let’s lean in close so we don’t miss a syllable.

Lord, please help us listen more clearly for your voice. Show us where our expectations block our hearing. Amen.

Go Deeper — As you read the scripture, take time to listen for God’s voice speaking to you through the passage.

Tags: Listen 1 Kings 19
Photo Credit: Robson Hatsukami Morgan