I was 20 years old and discouraged. Not the small discouragement that comes to all of us from time to time — this was a clinging, dark discouragement that sucks joy and motivation from life. Today, I know that it was not as bad as I thought then, but at the time it seemed overwhelming. For many days I limped along, letting life slide into disarray. Nothing seemed to matter, and things weren’t getting better — maybe worse. 

One afternoon, an older friend I hadn’t seen for several years happened by. As we talked, I poured out my discouragement. He listened carefully and then said something that has remained with me all the years since. “I have learned,” he said, “that when I’m feeling down, the Lord often sends a person to be an encouragement. You need to watch for that person.”

Later, I realized that he was that person. Alerted to the possibilities I began to notice others were also working to encourage me. It took some time, but things began to get better. “God will send a person.” The lesson has stayed with me and expanded. I need encouragers around me, but I can also be an encourager for someone else.

I think that is exactly what the writer to the Hebrews had in mind. Do you need encouragement? Look for God to send someone your way. Even better, look for people around you who need encouragement. You may be the very person God sends.

Father, I thank you that you are yourself an encourager and that you often send us other encouragers just when we need them most. Thank you for making us brothers and sisters in Christ who can indeed encourage one another with your wisdom, and in your strength.

Throughout This Day: Thank God for the many ways he has encouraged you throughout the years, and ask him to open your eyes to the opportunities to encourage others that he is sending your way.

Tags: Daily Devotional Hebrews 10
Photo Credit: Nsey Benajah on Unsplash