Church father Augustine wrote, "This very moment I may, if I desire, become the friend of God."

I hadn’t really considered friendship with God as a specific life goal. I think of aspirations more in terms of letting my light shine and doing my best to walk in truth, integrity, faith and love. To use my gifts to advance his kingdom and one day hear him say, "Well done." Yet deeper reflection on being God's friend opens up a whole new universe of how to do life.

God offers those who seek him the intimacy of friendship. It’s a friendship strong enough to rescue us from the valleys of life, yet tender enough to comfort us in sadness and despair when circumstances don’t work out like we hoped. This friendship with God presses us to be our best but remains faithful when we are at our worst. It meets us in our lonely hours with sweet companionship. How profound, how incredible, how amazing to be called God’s friend!

Far from lessening our worship of God, our friendship with him deepens it. He remains our Lord and Savior even as he broadens the relationship. Like many relationships in life, they can be multifaceted. My mom became my friend at some point, yet she remained my mom to the end. We should not think of it as sacrilegious to think of God in terms of friendship.

Scripture tells us Abraham was God's friend. He believed God and obeyed what he told him to do, even packing up all his belongings and heading toward an unknown destination. Such trust endeared him to God, resulting in a bond you and I are given the opportunity to emulate.

It makes me wonder about my life’s aspiration. I don’t think, in the end, my accomplishments in life (or lack thereof) will matter a whit. The greatest epitaph I could hope for is: She was God’s friend.

Dear Lord, please help us realize at this very moment, we may, if we desire, become your friend. Don’t let us miss the intimacy you desire to have with us.

Throughout The Day: Set aside some time to consider how God wants you to be his friend. Thank him specifically for the ways he has proven to be a friend to you.

Tags: James 2 friendship Relationship with God
Photo Credit: Big Potato on Unsplash