Is God indifferent to the things that affect us as humans? Does he overlook, or forget about us? Does he even care? These are just a handful of the questions that may plague believers' minds. While we may not receive answers to our questions, what should keep us going in times of uncertainty and helplessness is the knowledge that God does care, that he is affected by our grief and understands the anguish of our souls. The Bible contains many accounts of instances in which God remembered his people. God remembered Rachel and Hannah, he bestowed the fruit of the womb onto them.

God remembered Noah, as well as the animals because nothing was inconsequential to him as the creator. He is meticulous; he sent the wind over the land when the moment was right. This action caused the water to recede. Everything fell into place according to God's will and plan. But this required Noah to wait from the time the rain first fell until the earth was dry enough for him and the animals to exit the ark, a period of nearly a year! This verse not only illustrates God's handiwork in his creation, but it also demonstrates God's faithfulness in the lives of his people.

Did you know that the name Noah means ‘Rest’? What is the Lord communicating to us in seasons of waiting? We must be careful not to overlook what he accomplishes during periods of silence. He will remember you as he remembered Noah. Rest in Him; stand on his promises. When the time comes for his visitation, he will cause everything to flow in the direction that will bring you great joy and glory to his name.

Dear Lord, thank you for being actively involved in the lives of mankind. While we wait, teach us to be obedient to you. Guide our every move, even as we wait for your promises to be fulfilled in our lives. Amen

Throughout the Day: God remembers; may he grant you the patience to await the fulfillment of his perfect will in your life. Why don't you renew your commitment by surrendering yourself to him, to rest in him, to cast all your worries on him, since he cares for you?

Tags: Genesis God Noah