“How are you?”

Over the last year, I’ve developed a bit of a script in response to that question. After vaguely describing the challenges I’m facing, I always end with, “but God provides.” I often use those words to comfort those around me. It’s easy to say aloud without thinking but, if I’m honest, I struggle to trust and believe that God is my Provider. When facing financial difficulty or job loss, what does it look like to trust God as Provider?

As I look at examples of God’s provision in the Old Testament, I notice a recurring theme: from an abounding God comes abundance. It’s not that God gives us gifts in abundance, but that we find abundance in him. 

Here’s one way Moses described the promised land to the Israelites: a land that the Lord your God cares for and tends to with his eyes always upon it (Deuteronomy 11:12). He doesn’t focus on the milk and honey, but on God who provides it. Do you see the difference?

If we’re honest, our tendency is to exchange our glorious God for worthless idols (Jeremiah 2:11). Acceptance from others, job seniority, financial stability, living comfortably — these can all become idols. When we look for satisfaction from anywhere else than Jesus, we will ultimately find ourselves feeling empty.

Look at today’s passage. It says that the Lord gives food at the proper time. He doesn’t give as we chase after food itself, but as our eyes look to him. We don’t determine the “proper time,” God does, for he is even the giver of time itself! Verse 16 is so powerful. 

Can you imagine our every desire being fulfilled? God does not just offer material comforts or fleeting accolades to make us feel better. He gave Jesus, who sacrificed his life so we could freely come to the Father himself. God provided us with Jesus, who satisfied God’s wrath on the cross so we could find satisfaction in him. 

So, what does it look like to trust God as Provider? He doesn’t ask us to ignore what we lack or to pretend we are not bothered by our inadequacy. He wants us to know that he is near in our neediness. Through his Spirit, he is with us! When we understand the satisfying fulfillment that comes with knowing and trusting Jesus, we begin to see how worthless our idols are. When we are filled with satisfaction in Jesus, we are able to face each day with peace and assurance that God has and will provide.

God, my Provider, give me a renewed perspective on my life. Help me to lay down every desire I have before you and know that you will satisfy me in your perfect timing. Holy Spirit, remove the idols of my heart so I can know and treasure Jesus more.

Throughout This Day: Notice what your heart longs for. If the Holy Spirit reveals any misplaced longings or idols, know that God is ready and willing to forgive and to fill your heart with peace and satisfaction in Jesus.

Tags: Daily Devotional Psalm 145
Photo Credit: Wander Fleur on Unsplash