I can relate very much to the above passage. Nearly every week my feet almost slip from under me when I get caught up in envying people who have things I don’t have.

I’ve lived a life filled with misfortune. I was bullied and abused by many people growing up – and this has left me broken. I now live with chronic illness, a speech impediment, and a lack of financial security. And these things become magnified when I start comparing myself with the people of the world.

When I look at the things that others have such as good health, finances, and just general stability, I start to become ungrateful for all the things God has done for me. This then leads me to believe I need to take more control of my life by pursuing riches and things that I think will make me stronger and more secure – because I lose faith that God will provide for me.

The thing is no one is more secure than when they are under God’s protective wings and abiding in him. But, unfortunately, we can forget that when we focus on the things of the world.

Envy – the feeling of discontent or resentfulness brought on by desiring what others have – is a trap. It is not from God. It’s a trap that can shake your footing in Christ and lead you down a path of pursuing empty worldly things.

Now, having good health, finances and other markers of prosperity are not bad things in themselves. However, when you make those things idols by placing your hope in them and making them the center of your life, then your heart is not for God – and that is a very bad thing.

Fortunately, I am often nudged by the Holy Spirit to remember all the good things God has done for me, either through Scripture or by other Christians he has placed in my life. And, there really are good things that God has done in my life such as helping me find employment, making new friends, restoring past relationships, and significantly improving my overall health. And, of course, the greatest thing he has done was giving up his Son Jesus for me and all of humanity so we can be sons and daughters of God the Father and live in Heaven forever if we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior.

These are plenty of things to be grateful for, and I’m glad to know that God is patient, loving, and forgiving towards me for all the times I’ve felt like he hasn’t done enough.

Maybe you can relate to some of the things I mentioned. If so, remember that God will provide you with everything you need and that what he offers you in direct relationship with him and eternal salvation is something that the world can never give you.

Dear Father, thank you for being so patient with me when I forget how good you have been to me. Thank you for your Son Jesus who has always selflessly obeyed you. Please change my heart so I can be more like Jesus, living a life filled with gratitude and love towards you, knowing that you are my Father and I am your child. I love you, and I say this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Throughout This Day: Ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of all the ways God has provided for you. Then thank God for his provision and the endless love he has for you as his child.

Tags: Daily Devotional Psalm 73
Photo Credit: Fons Heijnsbroek on Unsplash