“Sara, God is not withholding himself from you because you are not measuring up. Don’t believe that lie.”

Tears began falling freely as I saw the compassion in the face of my friend on the other end of the video call. I had been feeling far away from God emotionally and struggling to sleep physically. Surely that was because I had not been spending as much time reading my Bible as I thought I should.

But that’s not how God works. He gives lavishly, abundantly, and freely. He desires fellowship with us so much that faith as small as a mustard seed is enough. His love meets us when ours for him is feeble and apathetic.

Reading the Bible with some unbelievers last week about God creating the world had us all marveling at his generosity. He made each part of the world so intentionally, so carefully — not only for our good, but for our pleasure. How wonderful!

So often, we focus on the things God doesn’t give us. We think that he is punishing us. Or that he isn’t good. Or that he gives because he must. We focus on the one tree in the Garden of Eden that Adam and Eve couldn’t eat. Not on the “free to eat from any tree” part.

He gives to us freely and plentifully.

What are the things he wants to give you right now? Are you open to receiving it, or like me, are you trying to punish yourself? Or what things has he already given you, but that you aren’t seeing because you’re too focused on the one thing you can’t have?

What would it be like to know how much God wants to lavish you with good?

Father, thank you for all the good things you have given me. Help me to receive your care and love. I long to be close to you; please remove any lies that are separating me from you. You are so, so good.

Tags: Freedom cheerful giver giving Genesis 2
Photo Credit: Gann Owens on Unsplash