Most of us have probably spent that last couple of months during this pandemic sitting in front of our computers, tablets, or phones streaming a live sermon instead of attending church in person. Some might be tired of this way of church. Others might enjoy it.

Perhaps you’ve become accustomed to participating in online worship, which includes not having to get dressed and then driving to church, so you no longer have a desire to meet with your fellow believers.

For this very limited amount of time, we have had to isolate ourselves from each other, but eventually, we will be able to meet up as normal, which is important! The Bible says that meeting in person is best.

Paul mentions his eagerness to meet with fellow believers and that there’s a missing piece when believers do not join together for fellowship. His issue was distance, unlike ours, but under similar circumstances. He wanted to meet with them but couldn’t because he most likely was imprisoned. We may feel we are now as well, to some extent!

Paul’s eagerness should encourage us to have a desire to be back in fellowship with our brothers and sisters. This desire comes from God alone. Fear not if you lack it! Pray to God for this desire, and he will assuredly give it. And for those who are longing for the return of fellowship, pray for God to hasten the time to return when believers can safely gather together in person.

Dear Lord, grant me a longing to fellowship with other believers, that I would not grow lazy in my walk with You, but that I would desire Paul’s enthusiasm for those around me. Amen.

Go Deeper — What are the advantages of online worship and fellowship? What are the disadvantages? How can both help us draw closer to God and each other?

Tags: 1&2 Thessalonians 1 Thessalonians 3
Photo Credit: John Schnobrich