When I was a kid about this time of year, my family had plans to go to Jack’s Branch, a natural stream located in a nearby national forest. It is a place of cool shade, bridges and waterfalls, and lots of fun. I didn’t know what time we were going, only that we were going that day. I wanted to go right then. But as the day wore on, and I played outside in the hot sun, I got tired of waiting. “When are we going to Jack’s Branch?”, I constantly asked.

Sometimes I approach God like I approached my parents that day, demanding an answer to the question, “when?” “Ok, God, you’ve promised me this, when are you going to fulfill that promise?”

What I didn’t realize that day as I demanded answers was that my parents were already fulfilling their promises to me. They were providing me with food, shelter, and love, plus a safe space to play and a cool house in which to find refuge from the heat. I had freedom to enjoy those things, but instead I chose to complain.

Recently, I have been wondering why God has not fulfilled some of my desires. I keep demanding “when?” like I demanded it of my parents all those years ago. Today I met with a mentor and shared my story of how I wanted to be in missions from an early age, but didn’t know how. This mentor pointed out God opening doors to my job with Power to Change Digital Strategies is an answer to that childhood prayer.

At that moment, it hit me. I’ve been asking God “when?” while he is saying, “look! Look what I am doing right here and now.” God knows which desires of my heart are in line with his will and he fulfills those desires in his time.

We did go to Jack’s Branch that afternoon, and I had a wonderful time playing in the water. But the lesson I learn now, looking back, is that when something is promised, I need to trust that it will be fulfilled. I can also enjoy my blessings in the meantime.

Dear Father, thank you for the freedom we find in waiting on you, freedom to enjoy the blessings you have provided in the meantime. Help us to continually trust you and know that you are providing, even in the waiting. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Throughout this Day: What are you waiting on God for? How can you thank him for his provision while you wait?

Here is a song about waiting on the Lord:

Learn more about the ministry of P2C Digital Strategies: p2cdigital.com

Learn more about my ministry with P2C Digital Strategies: p2cdigital.com/team/jessica

Tags: Daily Devotional Psalm 31
Photo Credit: Hakan Hu on Pexels