Without Ruth’s initiative would we have the story of God that we cherish today? Would Boaz have married Ruth? Would we have seen Obed, Jesse, and King David? Would we have a Messiah in the Davidic line? On one hand, these questions are moot. On the other hand, if we’re simply passing over these “familiar” stories, we risk missing what God wants to communicate to us through them.

Ruth’s story is captivating. Ruth was a Moabitess widow who returned to Israel with her mother-in-law during a famine, with no promise of a future. She held no rights and no standing in Israel. Despite this, Ruth knew the promises of God.

When Ruth said to Boaz, “Spread the corner of your garment over me…” this was not about being cold. Jewish men wore garments with tassels to “look at it and remember all the commandments of the Lord” (Numbers 15:39a). The request from Ruth was a call for Boaz to remember the commands of God and to marry her, thus honoring his commitment to follow God. Oh, the chutzpah of Ruth! God used the chutzpah (also defined as boldness) of Ruth to bring redemption through Jesus.

It is easy for us to build prejudices around the types of people God uses (and doesn’t) and thus, we build prejudices around who we will listen to (and won’t). The reality is that God is at work - even outside the walls of our church. So we must ask ourselves, what people have I relegated to second-class citizenship? What can those people teach me about the character of God?

Heavenly Father, thank you for the chutzpah of Ruth and the faithfulness of Boaz. Their story is a beacon of light that points us to Jesus. You are constantly at work in the world around us, may we have eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to respond.

Throughout this Day: Ask God to reveal to you how he works through unexpected people and in unexpected ways for his glory today.

Tags: Daily Devotional Ruth 3
Photo Credit: Luz Mendoza on Unsplash