Earlier in life, my resume had begun to look like a series of failed attempts to “find the right job.” “I can’t go on starting new employment, then quitting or being let go,” I told myself. Disillusioned with a sense of personal failure, I was ready to give up.

Around this time in my life, I noticed a book called Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes into Stepping Stones for Success by John C. Maxwell. I was challenged to think beyond my failures, to learn from them, and to keep trying to find the place that God had for me.

In today’s passage, we see that John Mark also had a hard time persevering through difficult times on his first missionary journey with Paul and Barnabas. Fortunately for him, Barnabas believed in him enough to give him a second chance. (Paul unfortunately judged Barnabas unworthy of another chance because he had wimped out on a previous mission.)

I had a “Barnabas or two” in my life, who saw my potential despite my past failures, and believed in me! I have such a better understanding of who I am and what my giftings are, thanks to these people.

At this stage in my life (nearing retirement), I am challenged to be a “Barnabas” to younger leaders, who like myself, go through stages of what others see as failures. I choose to see them as young leaders who need to have someone else believe in them! Being an “encourager'' is a wonderful opportunity at any age!

Father God, perhaps there is someone around me who needs to be encouraged today. Please help me to know what to say to this person who may feel like a failure and want to give up. I want to be a positive voice in someone’s life today! Amen.

Throughout This Day: Is there someone in your circle of influence who needs a Barnabas today? Others may see this person as a failure not worthy of your investment of time, but I believe that John Mark was a success because Barnabas was willing to see beyond previous failures to what God wanted to do in this young man’s life. Ask God to show you someone you can mentor or disciple, and be an encourager!

Tags: Daily Devotional Acts 15
Photo Credit: Van Tay Media on Unsplash