We all know the tendencies with New Year’s resolutions. By Valentine’s Day most of them are long forgotten. Most of us like the idea of a new beginning, but lack the strategy to make them last.

The truth is that making lasting change in our lives includes changing the way we think. If we want to eat healthier, we have to think about food differently. If we want better relationships, we often have to look inwardly and reshape our thinking about ourselves.

The Apostle Paul, who wrote a large part of the New Testament, said many things about the mind. He seemed to understand the link between our growth in our walk as Christians and the way we think. Of course God through the Holy Spirit moves in us to make us more Christlike. But we also play a role in our own spiritual growth.

“Taking each thought captive,” means we have to be aware of our thoughts. When old patterns of thinking rule our lives, causing us to trip up on old habits, we must take time to think about what we are thinking about. We can change those thoughts that don’t line up with God’s word.

For example, if I am discouraged because my plans fell through, I can decide to believe that God has something better (Jeremiah 29:11). If I feel unworthy of love, I can decide to believe the truth that God loved me enough to send His son to die for me. (John 3:16)

Changing our thoughts takes hard work, time and practice. Don’t just try to change your thinking, train for it.

Father, show me where my thoughts are leading me down the wrong paths and keeping me stuck. I want to be more like you.

For Today: If you don’t already, begin journaling your thoughts. Pray that God will show you where your thinking doesn’t line up with the truth in His word.

Tags: 2 Corinthians 10 John 3 Jeremiah 29