Do you have confidence in yourself? Who do you depend on for courage?

I like to think that I won’t fail. At least that I won’t fail in the big purposes for my life.

God’s chosen nation is on a journey in the wilderness to a promised land. Imagine their questions: “What will we eat? What will we wear? Will we reach our destination?”

They had to depend on God. If it was going to happen, it would be with God’s help.

Those people didn’t always get the meat that they liked, but they ate, even while passing through the desert. In the middle of nowhere, the cloud appeared to lead them during daylight and fire at night.

Later, when King Balak wanted Balaam to curse them in Numbers 22:20-41, the angel of the Lord showed up and Balaam blessed them instead.

The angel of the Lord was going to be with them, leading, guarding and bringing them as promised to the land of milk and honey.

When we face the uncertainties of life, God doesn’t always reveal to us what’s next. Or how things will work out. That’s when we need to remember that his greater power is still at work.

I don’t know how long you’ve been in the wilderness for. For months? Or years? The people of God walked through the wilderness for forty years! Yet God was still taking them to the place he had planned for them.

God won’t fail us. His power will uphold us. Through faith we can tap into his power to be all he has called us to be and do.

Father God, I thank you for direction and for help so I can get where I need to be. Help me to look up to you for courage, in Jesus’ name.

Throughout the Day: Keep focusing on moving forward. Think about how powerful God is and lean into Him so you can tap into His power for courage to be who you need to be.

Tags: depending on God Exodus 23 help trust God dependence
Photo Credit: Aleksandr Khomenko on Unsplash