I have had to learn the hard way that not everything I am asked to do by God’s people is something that he has called me to do.

A wise friend once told me that “A need does not constitute a call.” The reality is that when I try to do it all, I take those opportunities away from others who should be doing what God calls them to do. Besides, I end up being overtired, overwhelmed and a little grumpy when I say “yes” to too many people and their requests!

Close friends and coworkers tell me that I seem to know clearly what God has called me to do, and equally as wisely what he has not called me to do. I have learned the beautiful response, “Thanks so much for thinking of me for this task, but it is not in the areas of gifting that God has given me, and I can safely say that he doesn't want me to do it!”

Even my husband, who seems to have boundless energy for getting things done, has had to slow down and think more carefully about what God has called him to do. Most people see his seemingly boundless energy for doing God’s work, and each one hopefully invites him to be involved with them. And while he wants to do just about everything, being an optimist about what he can accomplish, there has been at least one time when said to me, “How did you ever let me get myself into this?!” Most of the time, these days, he tells people that he has to talk to me first, before giving them a response. A wise man!

However, when God does call me or my husband to do something, we have this promise, that “he will do it.” Not only does God call us, but he provides us with the motivation and power to do it. In other words, “it’s a done deal” when we are doing what God has called us to do!

Father God, thank you for the health and energy you give us to do everything you have called us to do. Thanks so much for your faithfulness in helping us accomplish your will. Please show me whether I should accept the next request made of me, or politely decline, according to your will. Amen.

Throughout the Day: Have you taken on more than you should, or are you being tempted to do what others ask, even though you are unsure you should? It is hard to say no, but it is worse to accept responsibility for a role or job that God did not ask you to do in the first place. Ask God for wisdom to know what you should or should not do.

Tags: The Life Devo 1 Thessalonians 5