When you read the story of Mary and Martha, who best describes you?

Well, I've noticed that there are seasons when I behave like Martha, too focused on the duties of service at the expense of what is important, but then there are moments when I just want to be like Mary- to sit still, close the door to the rest of the world, and spend time with Jesus. I believe this portion of Scripture was placed strategically here to help us in our devotion to the Lord.

Just to set the record straight, these two women loved the Lord. Their expressions of devotion were, of course, different, and Jesus was keenly interested in their devotional life. Martha was busy, as we all are when we are serving the Lord in our many places of worship or in our daily lives. She had no idea that her busyness was robbing her of fellowship, of intimacy.

Jesus urged her to prioritize – to set aside all she was doing at the moment so that she could spend time with him. In order for Martha to recharge, gain insight and revelation, be inspired, experience grace and mercy, be validated, she simply needed to remain in Jesus' presence.

Mary appeared unfazed by the events, yet something about Jesus caught her attention. At that point, nothing else mattered except sitting at Jesus' feet and speaking with her friend, Savior, and Lord. Given the situation, what would be your response? Wisdom for life necessitates that we prioritize time with Jesus on a regular basis.

Heavenly Father, teach me through your Holy Spirit the value of fellowship with you. Help me to avoid becoming sidetracked and thereby missing out on my personal dedication to you.

Throughout the Day: Make time in your busy schedule to interact with the Lord on a regular basis. Remove all distractions and seek the heart of the one who loves you—make Jesus the focus of your life.

Tags: The Life Devo Luke 10