Tyranny is the arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority... oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler1.

Yikes! What does that have to do with Christmas, you ask?

Ah, allow me to share, please! You see, there was a time when all was right in this world. All was good. Yet man and woman were given freedom of choice, and we chose our own way. With that choice came sin, and pain, and bondage to an enemy. That enemy, Satan, is a tyrant who uses the little power he has oppressively, often through others who seem to be the enemy.

It’s no wonder that the children of Abraham cried out “Deliver us!” They uttered that cry from Egypt, and again as they were suffering in the land of Israel. Centuries later they were exiled, the cry echoed yet again, and God miraculously brought the remnant back home to the land under Nehemiah and Ezra.

Several centuries passed, and though they were in the land, they felt the heavy hand of Roman occupation. “Deliver us! Free us!”, they cried out. Many expected a King to come and overthrow Rome.

The promise had been given that one day a “root of Jesse”, a descendant of King David, would rule (Isaiah 11:1-3, Romans 15:12). And in Bethlehem one night, years ago, that promised Son came. He did not come to overthrow Rome, but to defeat the enemy Satan, delivering all who would believe in him (Jesus) from the bondage of sin and death.

This verse from the carol “O Come O Come Emmanuel” speaks of longing for freedom and its answer in the person of Jesus Christ.

O come, O Rod of Jesse free, Thine own from Satan’s tyranny; From depths of hell Thy people save, And give them victory o’er the grave

The good news of the season is very good news indeed – we no longer need to serve a tyrant! Jesus came to set us free!

God, today I thank you for freedom over the tyranny of Satan. By your Spirit, empower me to walk in that freedom today, saying “Yes” to your ways. Guide my steps. Amen.

Additional Resource: Freedom means many things to many people. But what does true freedom look like? Read more

1 Dictionary.com.

Tags: The Life Devo Psalm 79