As I write this, evil and darkness have come over several lands.

Fear and terror are weaponized as a dizzying sense of helplessness invades the lives of people. Thick darkness has rolled in with no break in the clouds, no light at the end of the tunnel. We’re left here in this place alone. “Why, God?!?” Collectively, as with one voice, we scream into the sky only to hear it muffled as if stopped - unheard - even as it leaves our mouths. Suffering, death, danger, evil, and violence seem more prevalent than ever.

For those who loved and followed Jesus, surprised and taken off guard by the events of the last day, the sting of injustice and the pain of evil could not be abated. Frantic and disoriented, covered with guilt, shame, and helplessness, Jesus’ closest friends hid as the darkness closed in. As Jesus hung on the cross, suffocating, the world held its breath thinking “surely the light will come!” Instead an even deeper darkness covered the land, so thick it could be felt. And as if the despair could not grow any deeper, the Lord Jesus called out Psalm 22 “My God, my God why have you forsaken me?”

Have you ever echoed this prayer? Have you ever wondered, “Where is this God when trouble is near with no one to help? Where is this God when villains pierce us through?” Do you feel the weight of darkness closing in? Consider it an invitation to draw near to Jesus, just as he drew near to the Father in his moments of anguish.

Heavenly Father, you alone know the collective deep anguish of our world in the midst of this dark and troubling time. We implore you to lift the cloak of evil and darkness. May all the ends of the earth now remember and turn to the Lord.

Throughout This Day: Remember that Christ endured the Cross so that we could be transferred from the Kingdom of Darkness to the Kingdom of his dear Son. Rejoice that all suffering in this world is brief, temporary, in the light of God’s eternal, perfect Kingdom. Come, Lord Jesus, come!

Tags: Daily Devotional Matthew 27
Photo Credit: Aliyah Jamous on Unsplash