The sixteenth century brought with it great winds of change, not only socially and politically, but also spiritually. It is in this century that both Luther and Calvin called the Church of the time to a simpler biblical faith focussed on faith and grace. Their expulsion from the Catholic Church caused a schism that would affect European history and even world history from then on.

The following prayer comes to us from Lutheran rites of that time written by Veit Dietrich.

Lord God, heavenly Father,
in your mercy you have established
the Christian home among us.
Rule and direct our hearts,
that we may be good examples to children
and not offend them by Word or deed,
but faithfully teach them to love your Church
and hear your blessed Word.
Give them your Spirit and grace,
that this seed may bring forth good fruit,
so that our home life may lead others
to your glory, honor, and praise,
to our own improvement and welfare
and give offense to no one;
through your beloved Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one true God, now and forever.

Throughout This Day: Pray that the children you know will grow into strong followers of Christ and remain faithful to him for life. Pray also that the parents you know will walk in the Spirit, trusting Fod for the wisdom and love needed to raise them according to his will.


Martin Luther

A Collection of Prayers

Tags: 2000 Years of Prayer Daily Devotional Ephesians 6
Photo Credit: Thea Hdc on Unsplash