By the third century, the persecuted Church was benefitting from the work of several theologians and apologists of note. One such theologian was Origen of Alexandria, in Egypt. As a boy, he had seen his father martyred for the faith and his family rendered destitute as the State seized all their worldly goods. As he grew in his faith, so did his influence as an evangelist and teacher, despite repeated waves of persecution in his part of the world.1

This prayer of his shows the great love he had for the Word of God and describes a laudable attitude to adopt every time we listen to God through the Scriptures: 

inspire us to read your Scriptures
and to meditate upon them day and night.
We beg you to give us real understanding of what we need,
that we in turn may put its precepts into practice.
Yet we know that understanding and good intentions are worthless,
unless rooted in your graceful love.
So we ask that the words of Scriptures
may also be not just symbols on a page,
but channels of grace into our hearts.2

Throughout This Day: Invite the Spirit to enable you to accurately understand and to diligently obey his Word as you go from task to task.


  1. Ted Byfield, editor. A Pinch of Incense, A.D. 70-250, The Christians: Their First Two Thousand Years, volume 2, © 2002, Christian Millennial History Project, Inc., pages 194-218.
  2. [A Collection of Prayers, Third Century](

Tags: 2000 Years of Prayer Daily Devotional Psalm 1
Photo Credit: Thea Hdc