The maiden voyage of our travel trailer looked to be inauspicious, or maybe even disastrous. We had left later than anticipated, not used to getting an RV ready. Now, long after dark, we were pulling uphill in driving rain, buffeted by a strong head wind. Oh, and did I mention that the gas gauge was on empty? We hadn’t yet learned how much fuel our 4Runner would guzzle while towing.

Finally, blessedly, we reached our campground, and after struggling to park in the dark, we grabbed our toothbrushes and headed for the restroom. As we made our way, the clouds began to part and the most amazing night sky I have ever experienced appeared. Maybe it was the dark of the Oregon high desert — or maybe Creator God had put his magnifying glass in the sky — I’ll never know why, but the stars were enormous!

We were lost in darkness but our God showed us his mercy and grace and shone his saving light on us. It was as if our Father was saying, “The journey has been tough, but here’s your reward!”

Have you ever felt puny, lost, and wondered if God could ever find you? Yes, our God is the majestic maker of the Milky Way, but he is also the seeker of our hearts. What an amazing truth! Romans 5:8 tells us: “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Thank him and rejoice in his greatness and love today.

*Majestic God, Heavenly Father, I have never deserved and never will deserve your amazing grace and love to me. Help me rest in that love — as high as the heavens and as close as my heart — every day of my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Go Deeper — Tonight, go outside and look up at the stars, if you are able to. If not, load a majestic picture of the stars on your computer. Stare at them and marvel that the same Creator lovingly created you.

Tags: God's Attributes Psalm 8
Photo Credit: Pixabay