You cannot pour from an empty cup.

I think it’s important for us to realize that when we lack compassion for others it’s often because we have not fully grasped the vast compassion of our God.

I’m someone that’s usually pretty hard on myself. I put a lot of pressure on myself, and maybe you do too. I expect myself to be perfect and I put myself down when I make mistakes. And it’s when I’m in those valleys that I look up and realize that my God doesn’t feel the same way I do.

He is gracious – he treats us much better than we deserve. He is merciful – he spares us from what we do deserve. He is slow to anger – he doesn’t react or get easily irritated (or irritated at all!). He is compassionate – he looks on us, knowing we are sinful humans that need a savior. And that’s why he sent us Jesus.

When you and I are confronted with the immeasurable grace of our compassionate Father, a God who has provided us a way to be reconciled to him despite our willful, constant rebellion against him, it changes the way we look at ourselves.

The “golden rule” or the second commandment to love your neighbor as yourself is impossible if we don’t believe that Jesus loves us in the same way. That’s the only way we can have compassion towards people who hurt us, who are different from us, who we’d rather not have anything to do with.

I pray that you live out of a deep understanding and gratitude for the compassion God has toward you – and that through the Holy Spirit it permeates throughout your life and overflows to everyone you encounter today and every day.

Lord Jesus, I thank you that you are not like me. I can have a short temper, I can get easily irritated and I don’t always show compassion to those around me, especially people who’ve offended me. Forgive me for having a hard heart toward people. Help me to better understand the unconditional love you have for me so I can live it out to those around me. May people know that I am your child because of my compassion. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Today’s Challenge: Pay attention to when you are hard on yourself. Ask yourself, how does God see me right now? Replace those thoughts with truths from God’s Word. Invite the Holy Spirit to help you look at others the same way.

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Tags: compassion Psalm 145 Relationships friendship
Photo Credit: Benjamin Voros on Unsplash