As soon as I checked off a must-do item from my list, I found myself adding a couple of more things to do. It was a hectic day at the office for sure. And when I arrived home, thoughts about what I needed to take care of the next day just kept circling around in my brain.

I knew my wife and kids were talking to me. But I was zoned out — not engaged whatsoever. It was as if I had this brain filter turned on, which prevented anything other than work concerns from getting through.

In Mark 3, Jesus singled out twelve individuals to become his apostles, giving them a special role in his plan for salvation. Our Lord did not command them to dash off and start a new ministry. First and foremost, he chose the twelve to be his companions, inviting them to spend time listening and learning — to be still and know he is God (Psalm 46:10).

When spending time with our Lord, we need to make sure to turn off our filters; only then can we be attentive to what God wants to reveal to us. We cannot be zoned out when he speaks to us through sacred scripture, through circumstances, through the people he places in our lives, and expect to hear his words of guidance and support.

God always invites us to listen and learn, continually speaking to us for our benefit.

Let us practice unfiltered listening more, trusting our Savior to lead us, so we can reap the joys and blessings he has in store for us. Remove distractions and worries, the mental filters that prevent us from hearing loud and clear every murmur uttered by God.

Lord, you know me inside and out. You know exactly what I need to hear from you. I ask you to help me be more attentive to your voice. I do not want worldly distractions to prevent me from having a closer relationship with you. Amen.

Throughout This Day: Put a pause to the busyness for a moment, and allow God’s voice to emerge from the stillness.

Tags: Daily Devotional Mark 3
Photo Credit: Patrick Schneider on Unsplash