“We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” Proverbs 16:9 (NLT)

“I was looking for a coffee at the rodeo and spotted someone sitting on a bench holding a cup of my favorite brand.” My coffee-seeking friend (who is not yet a believer) explained that his search for coffee resulted in a very significant 20-minute conversation. This discussion caused him to consider that God may actually be real and interested in him personally.

The simple question, “Where did you find that coffee?” led to a conversation about marriage. The man on the bench shared how his marriage had been in ruins when he was married the same length of time as my friend. This hit a tender spot for my friend and he asked, “How did you make it through?” The man shared that only through being broken and surrendered to God did he find the resources to experience personal transformation and a restored marriage.

Upon discovering that he knew my friend’s in-laws, the stranger said, “What are the odds, in this mass of about 25,000 people, that we would talk? And to think that I know your wife’s parents. This is no coincidence; God arranged this!”  

When telling me the story, my friend said, “I had to stop and really think. This makes it harder for me to say that I don’t believe in God.” I had been praying that God would bring others into his life to speak to him in ways that I cannot. God answers prayer!

Do you believe that God puts people in the right place at just the right time? I do! God holds time and circumstance in His hands; He can intersect your life with another’s at the perfect moment.

Think of baby Moses discovered by Pharaoh’s daughter when she just “happened” to be down by the river (Exodus 2:5), or Philip meeting the Ethiopian eunuch at a busy thoroughfare (Acts 8:26-40). Will you step into the next close encounter of the divine kind that God has already set up for you?

Take Action

God, use me in the lives of those around me. I yield to Your Spirit’s direction. Thank You that You can give me the right words or question to ask when I step into the opportunities You have prepared for me. Amen.

We all need help staying in tune with God so we can join Him in changing lives. For practical tips, read What is God Up To?