The sixteen-week scene-writing class shimmered like a quarter on the floor of a fountain bathed in sunlight. The description promised to teach me to write sparkling scenes with developed characters, intriguing action, and enchanting exposition. Yet the course would not help with my devotional writing, a path I felt God calling me toward. Still, I made excuses. I’d be writing Christian novels of hope, I thought. Isn’t that worthy?

When I paused long enough to stop drooling over the promise to create a remarkable scene, a cloud blocked out the sunshine and the quarter at the bottom of the fountain morphed into a dull penny. I thought about social media posts and—gulp—people reading and judging my writing. I pondered God’s path for me, an introvert. He told me to take small steps, one devotional at a time, as he had before.

With every excuse comes the chance to craft a future that seems bright and shiny. At the time the Lord spoke through Haggai, the people of Judah claimed it was not yet time to finish God’s temple, a task which he had clearly given them. Instead they finished their own houses, planted crops in their fields, and worked to earn a wage. Their efforts produced lackluster results. God put a drought on their land and called his people once again to their best future, a future of honoring God by obeying what he had called them to do.

God gives all of us the same choice: his path or our own. Our plan may sparkle and promise to fulfill our every desire but offers only temporary enticement. The excuses to do it our way seem legitimate but lead to a lesser version of our life. The shine fades with time.

God’s plan does not fade with time. When walking his path, we honor him and he takes pleasure in walking alongside us. His greatest blessings come when we choose to follow him.

Prayer Lord, I am an imperfect person and sometimes my attention strays. Keep my eyes on your path and my mind on your blessings, for your path offers the greatest blessings.

Throughout This Day: Give careful consideration to your decisions today. Ask yourself, “Am I building up God’s house or my own?”

Tags: Haggai 1 blessings of ministry God's plan