Change happens when the old gets replaced with the new.

If I were to compare my present self with my past self, I would say I’ve changed a lot. For instance, some of the things that made up my past self included watching violent movies, holding grudges, seeking vengeance from wrongdoers, and desiring much of the world’s approval.

And, although I’m not perfect and, therefore, have my moments where some of my past tendencies try to resurface, I can honestly say that my past is dead and buried and that the new and improved me is alive and growing. (I mean I really try to avoid rated R movies like the plague now, and I really don’t care so much about what others think of me.)

So, what brought on this drastic change for me? Simply, it was the renewal of my mind and the transformation of my heart, which is a process that is still ongoing today. It’s a process of change that happens in all those who’ve made the decision to deny themselves and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

As believers in Christ, we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us. And, he transforms us to be more like Jesus by filtering out our old nature and developing our new nature. However, we must not forget that this process of change is not a passive one, for it requires our participation. That means we must be active in our faith, which includes walking humbly with Jesus, obeying the Father’s commands, and trusting that the Holy Spirit is continually giving us all the strength we need to follow his directions.

Change happens when the old gets replaced with the new. Therefore, let’s pay attention to our daily thoughts, beliefs, and actions since they can either hinder or support the process of change that involves becoming more like Christ. And every time our past self tries to resurface and seize control of our life, we can boldly remind it of who we are now in Christ — a new creature who has been reborn in mind and spirit and who continues to be refined in the likeness of Jesus.

Dear Father, thank you for transforming me to be more and more like your perfect Son. Please help me to daily deny myself and all the old things of the past that are not from you. Help me to welcome the new things you have promised to accomplish in me by the power of the Holy Spirit as he continues to change me into a new creature who embodies Christ’s nature. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Throughout This Day: Reflect on all the ways the Spirit is making you more like Christ, then praise God for those changes. Then, ask God to reveal where you are still clutching to your past self and invite him to help you remember who you are now in Christ. Thank him for filling you with His Spirit so that you have the ability to obey him in all areas, by faith in his provision.

Tags: Daily Devotional 2 Corinthians 5
Photo Credit: Shane Avery on Unsplash