Would you like to get well?

This man had been by the pool of Bethesda for a long time when Jesus asked him the question. The Hebrew name Bethesda translates to "House of Mercy". This unnamed man had gone to the pool of mercy but was unable to acquire the help that he desired. He remained in a bleak condition that had unfortunately become his way of life. Thirty-eight years of hoping and yearning for relief that never came! Everyone else had created good memories, but tragically, his situation had left him alone and without help or hope.

This man had been waiting, hoping that another man would help him into the pool, but no one did. Jesus knew that he had been there for a long time. He ministered to his greatest need, the need to be made whole. Jesus instructed the man to pick his mat and walk. The healing and restoration of the paralyzed man did not come in the manner that he was accustomed to but the outcome was there nonetheless. I believe that the testimony that came forth from this man must have had a great impact in his time.

As Jesus asked the unnamed man, he is asking you and me, “would you like to get well?” What will be your response? The merciful one who knows too well our present situations is more than able to minister to us. Trust him in this season and allow him to reveal his power and might to you and your loved ones.

I bring my brokenness, my pains and the situations that have befallen me and my loved ones to you. I pray, Heavenly Father, that you would reach out in mercy and make us whole. Restore us, Lord, we pray. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

Throughout this Day: Jesus extends his hands of mercy; reach out to him in prayer. Unburden yourself - talk to Jesus.

Additional Resource: Should Christians Expect Healing?

Tags: restoration John 5 healing
Photo Credit: Cody Doherty on Unsplash