I was hurting. I mean, really hurting! Sometimes you go through something where you expect to hurt, but this? Have you ever been there? Wait, I suppose I’m getting ahead of myself.

I had surgery earlier that morning, and had come out of surgery into recovery. A close friend was by my side, one with whom I’d laughed, cried, found “mischief” to get into, prayed and grieved together and even argued on “at least” one occasion. We’d been through thick and thin together!

I don’t even remember all the details of that day, but she later told me that both she and a nurse had exhausted their resources on how to control the pain. It was out of control! I could only plead with this trusted friend, “Advocate for me!” They ended up calling the surgeon who was already in another surgery to find out how to proceed.

Oh, I can’t explain how thankful I am for a friend like that! She knew me well enough to respond quickly to my need at the moment, even when I could not explain or pinpoint it. She knew my history. My need was not the most obvious, surgical pain, but rather from another issue. She could communicate how I responded to pain and whether I was prone to exaggeration. She would not walk out on me. She was an ideal advocate when I could not speak for myself.

I’ve been reminded often of how God the Father sent his Son, Jesus, into a world full of suffering, brokenness and pain. He came as a babe in a manger, lived among men and women much like us. Jesus shared their joys and sorrows, walked with them, laughed with them, broke bread with them and even wept with them in their grief. In the Gospel of John, it’s recorded that Jesus even called his disciples “friends”!

Then one day, on a hill outside the city of Jerusalem, the sinless one died a criminal’s death, a substitute for all who would believe in his name. On the third day, he rose again and he lives today… “we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” (1 John 2:1b) An advocate! We have an advocate!

Are you hurting, lonely, or in pain? Are you struggling with grief or a strained relationship, needing someone you can trust to understand, to see you and speak for you before God the Father? Dear one, many of us have found a friend, an advocate, and so much more in Jesus Christ, the one who came some two thousand years ago, and who lives today, longing to welcome you as well. Or maybe you sense a distance between you and God, where you’re not as close as you once were.

He is willing and waiting for you.

God, thank you for Jesus, my Advocate! Because of him, I may come to you with confidence that there is one who understands my struggle, my pain, and who will speak for me when my words are insufficient. You know me and have chosen to show your love to me through Jesus Christ. Thank you.

This Day: May I invite you to take the first step to reach out today, if you have any questions or would like to speak with someone? We would love to continue the conversation. Click here to speak to someone

Tags: 1 John 2 Hurt pain grief Trust friendship lonely