When the company I work for installed an attendance system, we had to get our fingerprints done and pictures taken. We were given key cards that were directly linked to our pictures and prints. This key card granted us access to enter the building. If I go to work without my key card I have no access. I have to wait on someone else to allow me entrance.

Take a look at our key verse Hebrews 10:19. We now have access to the holy place with the Father because of the blood that Jesus shed on Calvary. That's right, every born again believer has access to the Father by the precious blood. We no longer have to go to the priest to offer sacrifices for our sins, or to make requests to the Father. When Jesus hung on the cross for our sins, the blood he shed granted us immediate access upon us accepting his sacrifice.

The truth found in this scripture was freeing to me because I often struggled with asking for help and sharing my deepest needs with others. It benefited me greatly to know once I became a believer that the God of the universe loved me so much that he wanted to be in relationship with me.

It was indeed an act of love that now gives us the right to come boldly before the throne of grace, with fearless confidence knowing that we will be granted permission in the Father's presence. How glorious is that!

Father, thank you for the blood of Jesus that was shed for the remission of our sins; it is because of your love for us that you made a way for us to have sweet communion with you. Amen.

Today's Challenge: Make it a point to share the love of God with those you encounter today. Smile, give a hug, or offer prayer for those that are in need; random acts of kindness go a long way. How has the love Jesus showed you on the cross changed your life? Are you willing to share that experience with others? Are you willing to help others experience this love?

Additional Resource: Grace has let us in, but how do we interact with that gift?

Tags: salvation Hebrews 13 Risen Lord
Photo Credit: Taichi Nakamura on Unsplash