From the beginning, Jesus knew that he had a task before him — to reconcile humanity to God. What lay ahead was betrayal, ridicule, shame, torture, crucifixion, and separation from the Father, albeit for just a moment. A costly price had to be paid.

Jesus agonized in the garden of Gethsemane because he knew what awaited him. Being fully human he asked God if this “cup” could be taken from him. Nonetheless, he submitted to the Father’s will and an angel from heaven appeared and strengthened him (Luke 22:39-44).

Jesus’s death was not a loss. The grave did not silence him. His death brought deliverance and salvation to the whole world.

Isn’t it encouraging to know that you are never alone? Even in the bleakest of situations, there is that promise of strength that God provides to weather the storms of life. When we find ourselves in murky waters, we can receive comfort, strength, and the divine enablement to accomplish the will of God for our lives. If God allows us to go thorugh a difficult season, he also provides divine strength to overcome and to emerge victorious, just as he did for his Son.

Are you going through great difficulty and feel deeply distressed? Are you overwhelmed by the weight of the matter? Draw strength from the Lord in prayer. A divine administration of strength and peace can be found when we retreat into prayer.

I thank you, Lord, that you had me in mind at Gethsemane. In deep pain, you were willing to bear my sins and that of the whole world. Help me never to forget that it is your obedience to God's will that took you to the cross, so that when I face situations that require tough decisions to be made, I will not despair but will pour out my heart to you and find the much needed strength you provide to surrender to the will of the Father. Amen.

Go Deeper — What is your “Gethsemane” story? In your place of solitude and prayer, God will provide the strength that you need most. It’s important to note that “every life has its Gethsemane, and every Gethsemane has an angel,” as Dr. George Morrison states.

Read FurtherA Lament for Such a Time as This is a reflection on the lament Jesus prays throughout his Passion.

Tags: The Gospel of Luke Luke 22